
AWAKEN: An Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

April 1 – 15, 2024

Give yourself some radical self-care.

Join us for a 15-day deep dive to clear out your body and mind, (and your calendar & closets!)

Springtime is cleaning time!
Let’s clear out. Let’s create space, and open up:
  • our body
  • our mind
  • our heart
  • our home
Give yourself time to rejuvenate, eat nourishing food, breathe deeply, and meditate. Give yourself time to refresh yourself.
The change of season is a perfect time to make a change and to do a cleanse. Through the practice of the ancient art & sciences of Ayurveda and yoga, we will look at which healthy habits and foods will give the body energy and help it to reset and to refresh based on the season and individual needs.
Participants will be given various techniques to remove winter build-up and stagnation, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system…to feel bright and new!
Please note, this is not about losing weight, though if that is something you are looking for, that can absolutely happen. Detoxing is about clearing out on many different levels of our being. It’s said in yoga and Ayurveda that we each have five different body layers (koshas), so we will address all layers during our time together. Participants can go as light or as deep as they want to during this Spring Detox, depending on unique needs and desires.
  • Three online group meetings (Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm ET. Recordings available. You can do this even if you can’t attend live!)
  • 2 additional online Q&A’s (one on Wednesday, one on Thursday…see below.)
  • recorded teaching videos to support your cleanse
  • Two 45-minute online yoga classes to reflect and support your cleanse (see schedule below. Recordings available.)
  • printable 30-page detox handbook
  • invitation to FB Forum/online discussions
This is for those of us who:
  • want to experience a lighter body, mind, or heart
  • feel stuck or unmotivated
  • want to eat fresh and nourishing foods
  • experience stiffness or inflammation
  • have trouble sleeping
  • feel overwhelmed or stressed
  • desire a deep pause
4:00 – 5:00 pm ET Online (recordings will be available)
1. April 1
2. April 8
3. April 15
Q & A’s 
  • Wednesday, April 3 /  7:00-8:00 pm ET Online 
  • Thursday, April 11 /   3:00 – 4:00 pm ET Online

Online Yoga:

Tuesdays, April 2 and 9 / 8:15-9:00 am ET Online

Your investment:
  • $149 (first 10 receive $50 DISCOUNT Use Promo Code: Spring50)

Past Courses

Fall Reset: Get Centered & Clear

Fall is in the air.

And during this time, as the air begins to get cooler and the wind begins to blow, many of us find that we are feeling unsettled, especially after a busy summer. The intensity of the summer season may still linger, so it’s time to remove the heat, clear out heads, and center ourselves.


Earth, Wind, & Fire: The Elements & You

Join Suzanne McCahill Perrine for this free online talk to talk about how the elements show up in our lives and how we can use this simple understanding as a superpower to create the body, career, and life that we want!


You are in the right place,
and I cannot wait to meet you.

EV Goddesses, Unite! 

Saturday, January 14

This is for our Embodied Beauties, their friends, sisters, daughters, and the women in their life they love and want to see thrive.

This is for women who recognize the power of community and shared values. This is for women of are looking to examine what is working and release that which is holding them back – who are ready to set intentions for the new year and beyond through body, mind, and spirit.

This gathering will include:

yoga; meditation; sharing; tea; (and more!)

So, invite a friend that you want to evolve with to join you!

This special event is just $70 (free for fall 2022 members of EV!)